My Control panels will use touch toggles for all the switch controls, uncouplers, and even room lights.
I started by taking a number of phone shots looking straight down on the area for the panel

Phone shots from overhead
Next I realized I would need to change the actual proportions of the area to fit a useful sized panel for the controls, done in Photoshop.

Area of panel compressed in Photoshop
I then traced the compressed photo composite, and smoothed things out

Part of tracing paper taken from compressed photos
Then I photographed the tracing and put it in Photoshop to do vector final track layout the width needed for the controls etc.

Starting to put track diagram on a photoshop layer above the tracing
This completed diagram will be printed out to size for the panel, and the touch toggles (seen below) will be attached to the back of the paper and will show through indicating direction

group of touch toggles in my hand.
Here is how they would work showing through the completed paper for the panel.

Light shows which way the switch is thrown.
Below is completed panel, ready to be printed out to size.

panel just about ready for printing
In a future post, after I get all the touch controls in place, I will put up a fully glowing panel.