I am working on the background behind the whole layout. This section is behind the sawmill insert from the last post
Will post the sawmill area with the insert back in place when I finish a few more details o the Sawmill
Working on various areas, after a time away.
Sawmill almost completed, but still some details, as piping, a railroad logging car log dump, and more vegetation, and finally some hills and trees on the background.
This more completed and other projects posted soon
This time partially completed Lumber Mill, kit bashing an old Suydam kit with changed windows, doors, reconstructed missing parts and eventually scratch built additions.
First side, adding new windows and doors from Tichy Train Group, with weathered and rusting corrugated siding
Assembling the structure on a steel machinists plate. Handy to hold things in position with magnets, since the walls are steel.
Next brick portion
Adding Weathering to Doors etc.
Then starting to plan positioning on the layout on the Lumber branch.
Whole area plan showing places for Log chute, pond area, log dump, stream and separate scratch built finishing building and loading dock
I have been concentrating on working on the branch line this week, so here are some photos of progress at the future site of the sawmill.
Next a series of Photographs showing creating the terrain around where the mill will be.
Next will be determining the contours of the mill area (buildings, pond etc.
Working to finish up track work and bridges etc, on both main line passing sidings and on the lumber branch, and at the same time dealing with roughing in base scenery in those areas.
Just returned from W. Springfield MA from the biggest model train show in the nation. Quite an experience. Over 400,000 square ft of dealers, manufacturers, modular layouts, etc.
The show is in 4 buildings. this is the entrance to one of the four (Mallary Complex)
They have some canvas covered walkways between buildings
This is inside showing less than half of the largest building (Better Living Center)
Some of the manufacturers show a model in progress-undecorated.This is a Rapido Pre-production model at their booth
They also have some special things like this Real 1895 Baldwin steam engine, built for SD Warren Paper Co, that has been restored to full steam operation.
All in all , a very enjoyable weekend
Rocks cast in Hydrocal, from many different molds from several manufacturers, and from my own mold shown in last post from a previous casting. Most will be used in the mountain area around the logging branch.
Large casting from one of the molds
Started creation of the forest for the logging area of my layout. The Scenic Express trees look pretty realistic, but I’m going to try some various methods for enlarging the trunk diameter on some trees, which I’ll show in a future post.