Holiday display in the large gallery space on the second floor of the Museum
Plenty of details and lights
Just returned from W. Springfield MA from the biggest model train show in the nation. Quite an experience. Over 400,000 square ft of dealers, manufacturers, modular layouts, etc.
The show is in 4 buildings. this is the entrance to one of the four (Mallary Complex)
They have some canvas covered walkways between buildings
This is inside showing less than half of the largest building (Better Living Center)
Some of the manufacturers show a model in progress-undecorated.This is a Rapido Pre-production model at their booth
They also have some special things like this Real 1895 Baldwin steam engine, built for SD Warren Paper Co, that has been restored to full steam operation.
All in all , a very enjoyable weekend
Back from Timonium GSMTS and ready to test and figure out my control panel for the yard
Excited to see what I can do with the Berrett Hill Touch Toggles. Will need another 8 pack to complete the whole panel, maybe even an 8 and a 4 pack
About to attend the GSMTS at the MD state fairgrounds this weekend. Always a good show, especially in October and February. Especially looking at Touch toggles for switch machines.
The Extreme Model Railroad and Contemporary Architecture museum in North Adams Mass. 83,000 square feet with 40 foot ceilings to accommodate 35 foot tall Empire State Building.
The article can be accessed here Extreme Model Railroad and Architecture Museum
Just a few more examples of the things on view at Steamtown national historic site
In an ongoing summer of visiting railroad related sites, we visited Steamtown national Historic site in Scranton PA. run by the national park service. A lot of very interesting trains and exhibits. I’ll post more in a future post, but thought this cool cutaway of a steam engine showing the firebox, Boiler, smokebox and cylinder, was a good introduction.
The Museum of Science and Industry has a model train display that is really much more than just a train layout. It is about transportation, and how the railroads move goods from place to place.
The fact that it is beautifully crafted, with scale large sections of Chicago and Seattle and the industries , plains, mountains etc in between, makes it a modelers must see if you are in Chicago.
The buildings in Chicago are true to the sections of the city that is being modeled. Two times an hour there is a short night segment to show the display in that setting.
Of course along the way showing double stack containers, mountain bridges and peaks, not to mention some human interest in a stream
Finally ending up in downtown Seattle including the docks.
Visited the Museum of Science + Industry, Chicago this past weekend, to see their terrific HO model railroad exhibit, from Chicago through the plains, the rocky mountains, and ending up in Seattle.
I will put shots of the exhibit up in future posts, but this one to one scale Empire State Express greets you at the beginning.
Closeup of Driver